2.3. Faculty Handbook
These rules are applicable to members of the faculty of the undergraduate College. Nothing in this section shall override any applicable Middlebury-Wide policy.
Please select from the following content:
- C.1. Faculty Rules and Procedures
- C.2. Faculty Councils and Committees
- C.3. Rules of Appointment and Tenure for Academic Faculty
- C.4. Rules of Reappointment for Physical Education Faculty
- C.5. Appeal Procedures
- C.6. Faculty Misconduct
- C.7. Research Leave Program
- C.8. Faculty Professional Development
- C.9. Dependent Care Program
- C.10. Research Policies
- C.11. Misconduct in Research - Policies and Procedures
- C.12. Reprints, Subvention, and Open Access
- C.13. Grants & Contracts
- C.14. Consulting and Outside Employment Policies
- C.15. Payment for Faculty Lectures Policy
- C.16. Extra Service Pay Policy
- C.17. Athletics Information for Faculty
- C.18. Special Provisions (associate status and release from contract)
- C.19. Administrative Appointments - Terms/Conditions
- C.20. Leaves of Absence (nonacademic)
- C.21. Disability
- C.22. Death Benefits
- C.23. Housing Programs
- C.24. Miscellaneous Policies
- C.25. Policy on Consensual Relationships Between Faculty and Staff Members and Students