B.6.e. Withdrawal from the Middlebury Institute Online
A student who wishes to withdraw from the Middlebury Institute Online for academic or personal reasons may petition to do so at any time before the end of any term. The petition may be obtained from the Records Office. Any refund of tuition will be based on the date of withdrawal (please see above, Payment of Fees and Refund Schedule). Students who plan to return to the Middlebury Institute Online to complete their degree program should consult the regulations on Leave of Absence and Readmission to the Middlebury Institute Online, before completing the withdrawal petition.
If a student withdraws with a disciplinary matter, sanction, or appeal pending, the withdrawal will be considered a resignation, and the student will have given up the opportunity to return to any Middlebury Institute Online program. The student’s official status will reflect the point in the process at which they withdrew, and the nature of the finding and sanction, as appropriate. Examples include but are not limited to "Withdrawal with a Disciplinary Matter Pending," "Withdrawal with a Disciplinary Sanction Pending," and "Withdrawal with a Disciplinary Appeal Pending."
In extraordinary circumstances, the appropriate supervisory authority may, after appropriate consultation, review of the case, and consideration of Middlebury Institute Online’s best interests, grant permission for a respondent to withdraw from Middlebury Institute Online when a disciplinary matter is pending. If the student is readmitted, the disciplinary matter must be resolved either before the student's return, or immediately upon the student's return (as determined by Middlebury Institute Online).