B.5.c. Incomplete Grades
A grade of incomplete (I) may be assigned by the instructor when a student has done acceptable work in the majority of course requirements or assignments, but cannot complete all course work for compelling personal circumstances such as a serious illness or emergency. If a student has not done acceptable work in the majority of course requirements or assignments prior to the illness or emergency that prevented completion of the course, a letter grade shall be assigned.
Process for assigning and removing an Incomplete:
- The instructor submits a grade of Incomplete to the Records Office and the Associate Dean of Academic Operations, accompanied by a written agreement with the student regarding the work to be completed and the deadline for completion. (This deadline should be as early as possible and may not exceed four months unless an extension is approved by the Dean due to extenuating circumstances. Note, a grade of Incomplete may impact a student’s federal financial aid and/or VA benefits)
- The instructor evaluates the completed work as soon after its submission as possible, preferably within two weeks of receipt of the submission. The instructor shall complete and submit a Change of Grade form to the Records Office to replace the “I” with the appropriate grade. Should the instructor be unavailable to evaluate the remaining work, it will be the responsibility of the program director, or designee, to complete the evaluation of submitted work.
- An “I” that is not changed by this procedure becomes a permanent grade on the student’s transcript. In this case, the "I" is not used to calculate the Grade Point Average.
- If a grade of Incomplete in a course required for the student's degree is not removed according to the above provisions, the student may be required to repeat the course (or an appropriate equivalent), paying additional tuition, if necessary, to satisfy the requirement of the degree.