C.3. Faculty Roles
As the primary contact point for students at the Institute, faculty members, as teachers, have important responsibilities. Teaching is neither restricted to a narrow subject area nor limited to the classroom; it extends to every student contact and often into the community. Each faculty member should recognize her/his responsibility for campus morale and for the total school experience of the students. Faculty should also become appropriately involved in the promotion and overall development of the Institute, when called upon to do so and in accordance with their schedules and duties.
C.3.a. Curricula and degree programs
Faculty in each degree and non-degree program have the primary role in determining degree requirements, but this must follow the curricular change process, which ensures consultation with all affected parties.
C.3.b. Professional development
In a professional graduate school, the professional currency of the faculty is critical to effective teaching, research, academic advising, recruiting of quality students, development activities, and the ability to assist students in their career planning.
The Institute is committed to the principle of professional faculty development, especially in support of effective teaching.
The development of faculty teaching and research capabilities is the joint responsibility of the administration and faculty.
The Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development shall develop and implement specific plans for faculty development, to include a budget and a process for allocating such resources. Policies shall address, but shall not be limited to: teaching load; release time for research, administration, and curriculum development; sabbaticals; academic leaves of absence; travel for faculty development and/or conference participation; study for advanced degrees; programs and study to advance the quality of teaching; and awards for research and teaching.
C.3.c. Faculty Involvement in Educational Support
Certain support functions can have a major impact on the ability of the faculty to accomplish the educational mission of the Institute successfully. Faculty therefore advise and participate in activities including but not limited to:
- consulting with enrollment management to best support them in their efforts to attract students;
- development and maintenance of facilities for teaching, learning, and research, including classrooms, the library, computer labs, interpreting labs and audio-visual equipment;
- selection, acquisition, and deployment of specific resources in instructional technology;
- institutional advancement and fundraising;
- framing and execution of strategic plans;
- development and administration of the process by which faculty are selected, appointed, evaluated and terminated;
- involvement in the process by which resources are allocated.
C.3.d. Academic Freedom and Intellectual Contribution
The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey is a graduate school of Middlebury, a private, independent educational institution owing allegiance to no party, sect, or interest group. Its overall goal is the promotion of intellectual inquiry and search for improved means of understanding and communication among peoples through free expression.
Recognizing that free inquiry is essential in higher education, the Institute abides by the principles of academic freedom and student rights as advocated by the American Association of University Professors. These principles are contained in Appendix B.