C.2. Administrative Roles
As a graduate school of Middlebury, the administration of the Institute operates within the larger Middlebury administrative structure. The academic administration of the Institute resides within the purview of the provost, who is the chief academic officer of Middlebury. The provost is charged with providing strategic and operational leadership and with ensuring the quality and integrity of all its academic programs and initiatives, including those of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. In that capacity, the provost is involved in decision-making broadly across academic, financial, and operational spheres for the Institute.
This section describes the major administrative roles at the Institute and outlines the relationship and responsibilities of the Faculty with respect to each.
C.2.a. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Institute (VPAA)
The VPAA is responsible for the overall management of the business and academic affairs of the Institute, including support in instruction, research, and development. In the exercise of the duties of the office, the VPAA meets with Faculty Senate or Faculty Senate leadership when requested, as well as consulting with faculty representatives through the Institute Leadership Group, Council of Program Chairs, appropriate faculty committees, and the relevant deans. [1]
The VPAA shall organize all-faculty meetings or campus town halls as appropriate to engage the full faculty in dialogue. Additionally, the Faculty Senate may invite the VPAA to make a presentation and/or address questions at Faculty Assemblies.
The VPAA is appointed by the president of Middlebury, and reports to the Middlebury provost. The VPAA is the Senior Administrative Officer serving as liaison to the Institute Board of Advisors.
Due process should be followed in the selection of the VPAA. When a new Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of the Institute is selected, Institute Faculty have the right to be meaningfully consulted in the selection. Feedback regarding the priorities for hiring and on the actual candidates should be gathered from the Faculty Assembly through a process designed and administered by the Faculty Senate, in conjunction with the current MIIS Council.
As part of the process by which the VPAA is evaluated, the faculty should be consulted annually.
The VPAA directs the activities of other members of the staff, sees that the decisions and directives of the Institute Board of Advisors and the Middlebury Board of Trustees are implemented, and performs such other functions as the president and provost of Middlebury and the Institute Board of Advisors may require.
The VPAA appoints senior administrators; deans, associate deans, program chairs, and other academic administrators; as well as regular faculty members.
The VPAA appoints faculty members in accordance with processes described below. Faculty appointments are subject to the approval of the Middlebury Board of Trustees through its consent agenda.
The VPAA, along with the Middlebury provost, oversees the Institute’s response to charges of faculty misconduct, including procedures for termination of the appointment of a faculty member, in accordance with the policies of the Faculty Handbook.
Academic staff members are “at will” employees whose positions may be terminated at any time. (See Employee Handbook.)
Evaluation of the VPAA
Evaluation of the VPAA is conducted by the Provost according to guidelines in the Employee Handbook. The Provost shall coordinate with the Faculty Senate to solicit input from the faculty. The faculty input will be taken into account in the VPAA’s evaluations, both formative and summative.
C.2.b. Deans
Deans provide academic leadership and administrative management for the Institute. Deans advocate for programs and research centers, as well as coordinate with other Middlebury administrators on policies and decisions. Deans ensure the effective formulation and implementation of academic policies, curriculum planning and development, budgeting, faculty recruitment and evaluation, and faculty development.
Deans routinely work with the offices of Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations; Marketing and Recruitment; Admissions, and Financial Aid; the Registrar’s Office; the Business Office; the Communications office, and other academic and administrative services, and with the Institute Board of Advisors when necessary or requested.
Deans may serve as liaisons with academic, business, and professional communities, helping to increase the visibility of the Institute as a whole.
Deans may have two appointments if indicated in their appointment letter. First, they may have a regular faculty appointment, the specific term of which is held in abeyance (does not run) while they serve as dean. Second, as administrators, deans report to the VPAA. Their appointment is normally for a scheduled term of three (3) years and is renewable. However, the VPAA has the authority to terminate these administrative appointments at any time prior to the three-year term. On termination of the administrative appointment, the faculty contract, if one is held, resumes and the dean has the option to resume regular faculty status under the faculty contract, unless the VPAA terminates the appointment of a faculty member in accordance with the process defined in this Faculty Handbook based upon conduct in their role as dean.
The relationships between the deans and Institute faculty is an important link between administrators and faculty at the Institute. It is within these relationships that most academic matters are addressed and that the most important step in faculty evaluation takes place. A basic principle in the governance of the Institute is that deans consult with faculty on a regular basis. Mutual respect and consultation are most critical. One factor in establishing and maintaining this relationship is the active participation of faculty in the selection and evaluation of deans.
Selection of Deans
When a dean position becomes open, a search committee shall be formed, composed of the VPAA and, three or four regular faculty members representing a range of programs. The search committee shall actively seek input from students and relevant staff and be trained on diversity, equity, and inclusion. This committee shall normally conduct an international search.
The committee shall approve the interviewing of at least three (3) finalists recommended by the committee. These candidates shall be interviewed by the search committee, Institute faculty, the other deans, staff representatives, and student representatives.
The search committee shall gather and summarize comments on each candidate and create a ranked list of finalists from whom the VPAA makes the final selection.
Evaluation of Deans
Evaluation of the deans is conducted by the VPAA according to guidelines in the Employee Handbook. The VPAA shall coordinate with the Faculty Senate to solicit input from the faculty. The faculty input will be taken into account in the deans’ evaluations, both formative and summative.
C.2.c. Program Chairs
Program chairs are uniquely situated at the intersection of faculty and governance and administration. It is important that individuals in these roles are able to work well with both the faculty in their programs and with the deans. Therefore, it is essential that the appointment of program chairs be a collaborative and consultative process (a) The Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development develops a formal process for gathering nominations from the full-time and visiting faculty members of the program to be chaired. (b) The Dean must then solicit faculty input on the nominations either through in-person conversations or through an online survey. Those who are nominated will be invited to share their vision of program development and management. (c) The aim would be to achieve consensus among faculty members in a program (d) Final decisions will be made by the VPAA taking into consideration the recommendation of the Dean as well as input from the program faculty and any other relevant stakeholders. Program chairs should serve a maximum of two three-year terms, in order to share the load and to give multiple faculty a chance to lead. Program Chairs are appointed by the VPAA and report to the Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development with an initial appointment of one three-year term, with the possibility of a single second term extension. A third term should only be granted if that faculty member is the only willing candidate and there is consensus among program faculty. In order for their appointment to be extended for each additional term, the Dean must confidentially consult all faculty in the program. The VPAA in conjunction with the Dean shall retain the discretion for early termination of the appointment of the chair of the program.
The Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development is responsible for evaluating the program chairs on an annual basis, drawing on feedback from the faculty. The Faculty Senate shall establish the procedures used to formatively evaluate program chairs, based on the description of duties developed by each program. Evaluations emanating from this process shall be forwarded to the dean, with the program chair being given an opportunity to respond. This process of gathering input shall be completed by April 30 annually. The Senate maintains the formative evaluation form, and if changes are felt necessary by the dean or the faculty, the Senate will make such changes based on faculty input. The Dean distributes the formative evaluation, receives the results, and reviews the results with the program chair.
C.2.d. Language-program-specific administrators
Deans may appoint, in coordination with program faculty and especially program chairs, language-program-specific administrators within more complex programs.
1. Role of Language Program Head in T&I
In Translation and Interpretation, the Language-specific Program Head (PH) is responsible for staffing his/her program with qualified professors. The PH, in coordination with the T&I Program Chair, will select candidates for an open position, interview the candidates and then make a recommendation to the Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development . The PH is also responsible for the schedule each semester and coordinates with the PHs in the other T&I language programs. The PH is also the mediator between students and a faculty member and only escalates an issue to the T&I Program Chair and/or Associate Dean if it cannot be solved by the PH. The PH keeps records of interim evaluations for every student. The PH is responsible for the grading of the (Language Skills Tests for entrance into the program and will contact the applicant after an applicant passes this early diagnostic test. The PH stays in contact with the applicant and is available for any questions pertaining to the course of study. The PH serves as academic advisor for all students in the Translation, Translation & Interpretation, and Conference Interpretation programs in their language and as a supplementary advisor to localization management students with a translation specialization. The PH meets once a month with the PHs of the other language programs to coordinate any efforts. The PH is actively involved in recruiting students for the program.
2. Role of Language Studies Program Heads
The Language Studies Program Heads play a key role in supporting students’ learning and providing the necessary support to the language instructors. Each language has its own Program Head whose job is to arrange the schedule for each semester and supervise the placement test for incoming students. The Program Head’s responsibilities also include the organization of the co-curricular activities and the academic advising for students who plan to study abroad, , attend immersive language programs, or complete the Language Studies for Professional Purposes (LSPP) specialization. The Program Head provides regular program updates to colleagues and meets with them once a month to discuss various pedagogical issues and ways to improve the curriculum and assessment within the language program. In addition, the Program Head works as the liaison between the specific language unit and the other language programs within the Language Studies Department. Each Program Head attends the monthly LS meeting as well as any additional PH meetings called by the Language Studies Program Chair. Besides these tasks, the LS Program Heads respond to inquiries about the specific language they represent and provide information about the academic component of the program. LS Program Heads also play a key role in recruiting students for the Institute, much of which is done via language departments at various partner schools. LS Program Heads also supervise the Teaching Assistants and provide the necessary training for them.