A.6.l. Transfer of Academic Credit from Other Institutions
After being admitted to the Middlebury Institute, a student may petition the associate dean of academic operations (who will consult with the relevant Program Chair) to consider courses taken elsewhere at accredited institutions for satisfaction of specific Institute degree requirements.
A minimum of 30 Institute credits is required for all Middlebury Institute degrees. In programs where credit required for the degree exceeds 30 credits, transfer credit is limited to a maximum of 25 percent of graduate degree requirements.
Courses counted towards a previous Bachelor’s or Master’s degree cannot be transferred to the Middlebury Institute for credit.
Students studying at the intermediate low level or higher (equivalent to the 200 level or higher at MIIS) at Institute-approved language study centers (including the C.V. Starr Middlebury Schools Abroad and Middlebury Language Schools) are eligible to transfer four (4) credits of language. An official transcript demonstrating hours completed and course level must be presented to complete the transfer. Transfer of up to four credits from other accredited (non-Institute-approved) study abroad institutions may be possible, but the student should consult the Language Studies Program Chair in advance, with information about the program, to determine whether the program meets Institute requirements for transfer. Language courses taken prior to enrollment at the Middlebury Institute cannot be used to satisfy the language requirement at the Middlebury Institute, unless they were taken through a Middlebury program in the summer immediately prior to the student’s matriculation at the Institute.
Proposed transfer graduate courses must meet the Institute’s degree requirements, and the student must have earned a grade of B or better. Proposed upper division undergraduate courses must meet the Institute’s degree requirements, and the student must have earned a grade of B or better.
For students admitted to the joint BA/MA program, proposed upper division undergraduate courses must meet the Institute’s degree requirements, and the student must have earned a grade of B or better. Proposed lower division undergraduate courses (60 credits) must generally have a grade of B or better, but 15 “pass/fail” semester credits may transfer as electives. (These include credits designated on the student’s transcript as Pass/Fail, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, or Credit/No Credit.)
Grades assigned by other institutions for courses that are transferred to the Middlebury Institute are not calculated in the Institute grade point average.
The Middlebury Institute maintains exchange programs with other academic institutions whereby students at either institution may register for courses taught at the other. Students should consult the Center for Advising and Career Services for further information. The Institute confers credit for the course taken upon receipt of an official transcript from the exchange institution by the Institute Records Office. Note: International students should ensure that they meet all visa requirements prior to participating in an exchange program.