B.1.l. Student Status
Students may be admitted for undergraduate courses at Middlebury only if they do not already have a baccalaureate degree from Middlebury or any other institution.
1. Good Academic Standing
Students are "in good academic standing" if they are meeting the requirements of the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. Seniors who need only one or two credits to graduate and who have been approved for special student status are also considered to be "in good academic standing."
"Successful completion of a year" for veterans' benefits certification is defined as "in good standing." Students taking fewer than four credits, however, should consult with the registrar regarding veterans' benefits.
2. Course Warnings
Faculty members may send out course warnings to students thought to be in danger of receiving grades of "D" or "F." The Class Dean will normally monitor grades around the middle of the term and may contact parents or guardians of students who appear to be having academic difficulties, including receiving one or more course warning.
3. Probation
See Grades and Transcripts. A student who receives two D grades or one failing grade and a D grade in a single semester will be placed on probation until the end of the following fall or spring semester. A student completing a semester with three units of credit who receives one D or one F will be placed on probation. A student who receives a D or an F in the winter term will be placed on probation for the spring semester. A student who receives a D or an F in summer study will be placed on probation for the fall semester. Students placed on probation more than twice in their College careers will be required to withdraw. A student readmitted after an academic failure is readmitted on probation for the following fall or spring semester.
4. Off-Campus Study
A student may be granted Off-Campus Study status to pursue a full-time program of studies at another recognized and accredited college or university in the United States or abroad. For details regarding the approval and transfer credit process for studying off-campus, see Transfer Courses and Off-Campus Study.
a. Off-Campus Study status for overseas programs is approved by the Off-Campus Study (Programs Abroad) Committee at the request of the student and the recommendation of his or her major department. Course programs must be approved by the appropriate Middlebury departments in advance to remain in good standing.
b. Middlebury agrees to accept approved junior year abroad programs as equivalent to a full year's work. Students on other forms of leave have no such guarantee and must seek final approval of courses after their return to Middlebury. Students on Off-Campus Study status must inform the College if they withdraw from the institution they are attending or if they take a reduced course load.
The following policies will govern readmission for students who have been approved for programs of Off-Campus Study and then wish to change their status:
i. Such students will be readmitted for fall or spring semester only. They will not be readmitted for summer study or for winter term, regardless of the plan for housing.
ii. The deadline for guaranteed readmission for the fall semester is June 15. After this date, students who wish to be readmitted will be placed on a waiting list. Students on the waiting list will be notified on September 1 if they have been readmitted for the fall.
iii. The deadline for guaranteed readmission for the spring semester is November 15. After this date, students who wish to be readmitted will be placed on a waiting list. Students on the waiting list will be notified on January 15 if they have been readmitted for the spring.
iv. There will be no readmissions after the September 1 and January 15 dates.
5. Leaves of Absence
a. Voluntary Leaves of Absence
i. Students may choose to take a leave of absence during their time at Middlebury. They may choose not to return after a successfully completed semester, or they may choose to take a leave during a semester in progress. Any student wishing to take a leave of absence should consult their Class Dean to review their academic progress and identify any changes to their academic plan that may be indicated before or after a leave. When students leave during a semester in progress and prior to December 1 for the fall semester or May 1 for the spring semester, no courses will appear on their transcript. If they take a leave from a semester after December 1 (fall) or May 1 (spring), their courses will remain on the transcript. A course with a failing grade assessed as a penalty for academic dishonesty by the Academic Judicial Board will not be removed from a transcript regardless of the timing.
ii. Students may declare a leave of absence without penalty on or before June 1 for the fall semester and October 15 for the spring semester. Students who declare a leave of absence after these deadlines will be assessed a $500 fee.
iii. Students who take a leave in the middle of a semester are ordinarily eligible for readmission after a full Fall or Spring semester away.
iv. In circumstances where a student on a leave of absence does not respond to communications from the College about their intentions to return for the next eligible semester, and there is no activity in campus-based processes that may suggest their intent to return (e.g., no activity related to class registration, no engagement with Student Financial Services, no participation in housing processes, etc.) their leave will be automatically continued and will be placed on a voluntary leave of absence with no anticipated return date.
v. Repeated or Extended Leaves: A student who has taken three leaves from Middlebury (excluding temporary medical leaves), including any College mandated withdrawals for academic failure or mandatory leave of absence, or who has taken any one leave of absence in excess of three years, may no longer be eligible for the regular re-admission process. A student in these circumstances who wishes to return to Middlebury should petition for re-enrollment to the Administration Committee. The Administration Committee’s more extensive petition for re-enrollment asks the student to document in detail their readiness to return to Middlebury’s rigorous academic environment, including, as appropriate, how the student’s situation has changed or developed, to support a successful return.
vi. Conditions on Return: In some cases, the VPSA or their designee may impose specific requirements for readmission if the circumstances of the student’s departure warrant it. The goal of such conditions is to prepare the student for a successful return to Middlebury.
vii. Students on Leave of Absence, including temporary medical leave, may, at the discretion of Dean of Students or their designee, be prohibited from campus for the duration of their leave. In such situations a No Trespass Order (NTO) may be issued.
b. Mandatory Leave of Absence
i. Middlebury College provides a range of support services to address the medical needs of students, including mental health needs, within the context of the campus community. On occasion, students may experience health needs requiring a level of care that exceeds what the College can appropriately provide. In such circumstances, students may take a voluntary leave of absence. In situations where a student is unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations, where their behavior is unduly disruptive to the community, where current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence indicates that a student poses a significant risk to the health or safety of others, or where a student poses an actual risk to their own safety not based on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations about individuals with disabilities, and the student does not want to take a leave voluntarily, the Dean of Students and/or Vice President of Student Affairs has the authority to place the student on a mandatory leave of absence.
ii. Before placing any student on a mandatory leave of absence, Middlebury will do an individualized assessment to determine if there are reasonable accommodations that would permit the student to continue to participate in the campus community without taking a leave of absence. A medical evaluation by a competent specialist may be required. To enable careful, individualized consideration, the student may need to sign a release authorizing disclosure of relevant information by and between treatment providers working with the student and the appropriate College official(s).
iii. The student will be notified of the decision to place him or her on leave in writing. Student(s) will be given notice and an opportunity to speak with their Class Dean prior to or within five business days following the start of the mandatory leave. The decision may be appealed, following the procedures set forth in Section 5.b.iv., below.
iv. An appeal of a mandatory leave of absence may be made in writing (including email) to the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) or designee within five business days of receipt of the decision. The appeal must state the grounds for the appeal and include any supporting evidence. The VPSA will ordinarily notify the student of the appeal decision within ten business days of receipt of the appeal.
v. Students placed on leave under this section may also be subject to the normal disciplinary processes if their conduct has violated College policy. If disciplinary action is appropriate, the matter must be resolved either before or immediately upon the student’s return.
c. Temporary Medical Leave of Absence
i. A student may request a temporary medical leave of absence for up to ten days. A temporary leave beyond ten days will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances.
ii. The College may place the student on a temporary mandatory leave of absence for up to ten days when the conditions for a mandatory leave of absence, above, are met. Whenever possible, the student will be given notice and an opportunity to speak with a care management teams “Care Manager” or their Class Dean prior to or within three business days following the start of the temporary leave. The student’s Care Manager or Class Dean, in consultation with others as appropriate, will make a determination as to the student’s request after reviewing the information submitted. There is no right of appeal.
- Students who are placed on temporary medical leave may also be subject to the normal disciplinary processes when their conduct has violated College policy. If disciplinary action is appropriate, the matter must be resolved either before or immediately upon the student’s return.
- Students may return from their temporary medical leave after providing documentation and information in accordance with Section 5.d. and 5.e., below.
d. Readmission
Except where indicated below, all requests for readmission will be reviewed by the Leaves and Returns committee, who will make a recommendation for or against readmission to the Dean of Students based on an individualized assessment of each student’s readiness to return and successfully participate in the College’s academic and residential program. The Leaves and Returns Committee is comprised of staff from the Center for Health and Wellness and the Office of Care Management, with input from other relevant offices such as the Disability Resource Center, Class Deans and International Student and Scholar Services as necessary and appropriate.
The Dean of Students will ordinarily accept committee recommendations, but final readmission decisions are at the discretion of the Dean of Students or their designee.
i. Students on leave are eligible to request readmission for a three-year period, starting from the date on which their leave began as documented in their leave letter.
ii. Students eligible for readmission with an anticipated return date of the upcoming semester (as stated in their original leave letter) can expect to receive instructions for completing the online readmission forms from the Office of Care Management. They must confirm their plan to return on this readmission date by completing the instructions provided by the Office of Care Management no later than June 1 for the fall term and November 1 for the spring semester. Normally, readmission is for fall or spring semester only. Students will be readmitted for winter term or summer study only with special permission from the Dean of Students or designee.
iii. Students on probation for disciplinary or academic reasons will resume their probationary status upon their return for the duration of the assigned probationary period.
iv. Students with conduct pending through Community Standards must clarify with Community Standards whether their conduct must be resolved before they are eligible to return.
iv. In the circumstance that a student’s request for readmission is denied by the Dean of Students , the decision may be appealed in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs within 5 business days of the decision. Appeal instructions will be provided to students in their readmission denial letters.
e. Readmission after Leaves with Conditions
In addition to the requirements outlined in 5.d above, in those cases where specific requirements were placed on eligibility for readmission, a student may be asked to complete pre-approved coursework at another institution in order to demonstrate readiness to return to rigorous academic work or to engage clinical providers to communicate clinical information to staff at the Center for Health and Wellness (CHW) through the Medical Return Form to facilitate a successful return. Satisfactory responses to any follow-up requests for information from students and/or outside providers from CHW staff must also be received. If the leave is health-related, any conditions or requirements for re-admission will be based on an individualized assessment of each student including consideration of current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence. Careful consideration will be given to the opinions and recommendations of the student’s treating healthcare professional(s). Students experiencing trouble identifying a provider to complete the Medical Return Form or who are experiencing communication challenges with providers should contact Integrated Care at integratedcare@middlebury.edu or 802-443-2305 immediately, and no later than two weeks before the re-admission petition deadline, to request assistance. As appropriate to the individual circumstances of a student’s departure, the Dean of Students, VPSA, or their designee may also require that the student provide information to the Leaves and Returns Committee when they seek readmission. Typically, this includes a letter about the student's understanding of the circumstances that led to the leave, evidence of the student’s work to manage or resolve any issues and other information that may assist the College in evaluating whether the student can safely and effectively participate in the residential academic programs of the College. The College also reserves the right to obtain a dean’s certification if a student has attended another institution. Dean’s certifications are official documents confirming attendance and good standing and are typically obtained by request to the office of the dean of students of the institution in question.
6. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Middlebury is committed to ensuring equal access to its educational programs for students with disabilities. The term "disability" may include learning, physical, sensory, psychological, medical, and certain temporary disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504), and analogous state laws prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities and entitle individuals with disabilities to reasonable accommodations. Students with disabilities may request academic accommodations; housing and dining accommodations; modifications to Middlebury policies, rules, and regulations; environmental adjustments such as the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; and auxiliary aids and services. Additional policies and procedures regarding accommodations can be found on the website of the Disability Resource Center and in Middlebury’s Americans with Disabilities Act Policy.
Students with disabilities who seek accommodations must register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Registration through self-identification is a voluntary process that is treated confidentially and may occur at any time during the student's course of study. Such students may seek modifications of the academic regulations set forth herein as accommodations from DRC, which may refer certain requests to the Administration Committee.
7. Withdrawal Due to Academic Failure
A student who receives two F grades, three D grades, or one F grade and two D grades during a fall or spring semester earns an academic failure and is required to withdraw. Seventh-semester seniors may petition to be reviewed by the Administration Committee prior to final action.
A student on probation who receives one F grade or two D grades in the subsequent fall or spring semester is required to withdraw.
A student who receives D or an F in the winter term or in summer study while on probation will be required to withdraw. Students placed on probation more than twice in their College career will be required to withdraw.
A student who is enrolled in three courses and receives one F and one D grade, or two D grades, will be required to withdraw. A student enrolled in three courses who is on probation and who receives one D grade will be required to withdraw.
The above rules also apply to Middlebury undergraduates who enroll in Language Schools, Schools Abroad, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Bread Loaf School of English, School of the Environment, and externally sponsored programs approved by the office of International Programs and Off-Campus Study. Students withdrawn due to academic failure are not eligible to attend any Middlebury school or program until formally readmitted to the College.
At any time, a student failing a course, consistently receiving grades below C-, or in any way neglecting the obligations of a course, may be placed on course warning.
8. Readmission After Withdrawal for Academic Failure
The policies, processes and deadlines in this section pertain only to students seeking readmission after withdrawal for Academic Failure. Readmission after academic failure requires approval from the Administration Committee. Readmission is a special privilege, not a right. The committee will grant re-admission petitions only when it is satisfied that the factors which led to failure have been rectified and that the student has both ample motivation and capacity to earn a degree. Mere lapse of time is not a sufficient basis for readmission. The burden of proof of motivation and capacity rests with the student. During a leave of absence resulting from withdrawl after academic failure, the student is ordinarily required to enroll full-time at another accredited institution and to achieve a good record there by receiving grades of B- or better in all courses. (See Transfer Courses and Off-Campus Study for information about the transferability of these courses to Middlebury.)
Application for readmission must be made to the Administration Committee, who will consult with the student's Class Dean. Readmission is normally for fall or spring semester only. Students will be readmitted for winter term or for summer study only with special permission from the Administration Committee in consultation with the Dean of Students. Any student readmitted will be on academic probation for the first semester following return and, if withdrawn for due to academic failure a second time, will not be readmitted. A student readmitted on academic probation for winter term remains on probation for the following spring semester; a student readmitted on probation for summer study remains on probation for the following fall semester.
There are two tracks to apply for readmission following academic failure, Regular Readmission and Late-Decision Readmission, each with its own deadlines.
Regular Readmission: Application must be made by June 15 for fall semester, and by November 1 for spring semester. Only complete applications consisting of a petition and all supporting materials (including a final, official transcript) submitted by the June 15 or the November 1 deadline will be considered for Regular Readmission.
Regular Readmission is the recommended timeline for all students to ensure the best opportunities for success after their return. Deadlines for Regular Readmission have been set to enable readmitted students to participate in registration and housing processes for the following fall or spring term at the same time as other students in their class. It must be understood that students taking courses elsewhere to qualify for readmission will not be able to acquire an official transcript of final grades early enough to meet the deadline to apply for Regular Readmission for the immediately following fall or spring term.
Late-Decision Readmission: Application must be made by August 15 for fall semester, and January 15 for spring semester. Only complete applications consisting of a petition and all supporting materials (including a final, official transcript) submitted by the August 15 or the January 15 deadline will be considered for Late-Decision Readmission.
Late-Decision Readmission is not recommended but is available as an exceptional provision that comes with caveats and conditions which students should carefully consider before electing it. Deadlines for Late-Decision Readmission have been set to allow students the possibility of returning in the spring or fall term immediately following coursework done elsewhere to qualify for readmission. Since students readmitted via Late-Decision will be notified of that outcome after the registration and housing processes have been run, the selection of courses and housing will be limited. Students may elect this option only on the condition that they accept whatever courses and housing assignments are available.
Return Track | Application Deadline |
Fall Return, Regular | June 15 |
Fall Return, Late Decision | August 15 |
Spring Return, Regular | November 1 |
Spring Return, Late Decision | January 15 |
9. Special Students
Special student status is designated for students with only one or two remaining credits (although Febs may apply for special student status for the fall semester when they have three remaining credits), and for students with a documented disability for which this arrangement is deemed by the Disability Resource Center staff to be a reasonable accommodation. Special students are charged by the course and may not live on campus.
Students applying for special student status based on course completion must submit a completed Special Student application to the Office of the Registrar for approval. Students applying for special student status based on a documented disability must submit their request, along with appropriate documentation, to the Disability Resource Center office. Applications for special student status must ordinarily be filed with the Office of the Registrar by March 15 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester. Students whose circumstances change after March 15 or November 15 may file applications for special student status after those deadlines if they have compelling reasons.
Beginning in the spring 2024 semester, special students will automatically be added to the 50 meal plan. Special students should contact Dining Services if they would like to opt out of a meal plan.
Occasionally, special students wish to remain living on campus. When this request is based on a documented disability, students should submit this request to the Disability Resource Center office. When this request is based on exceptional personal circumstances, students may apply to the Administration Committee.
10. Ninth Semester
As stated in section B.1.c, Degree Requirements, the normal pattern for earning the baccalaureate degree at Middlebury College is four consecutive years of study. If, due to extenuating circumstances, a student is unable to successfully complete all degree requirements within eight semesters, the student must petition the Administration Committee for permission to enroll in a ninth semester. All semesters in which a student attends classes, including any semester(s) from which a student withdraws before the end of the semester, are included in the eight-semester count. Petitions for a ninth semester are only considered in cases where the student can demonstrate that, due to no fault of their own, and based upon extraordinary circumstances, the student is unable to complete the degree within eight semesters. Requests for a ninth semester to complete a second major or to accommodate a late change of major will not be considered.
11. Visiting Students
Students from other colleges may be admitted through the Administration Committee, if space is available, for one semester as non-matriculated students. Such students are required to be in good academic and social standing at their home institutions and have the approval of their home institutions. The Administration Committee will review potential visiting students' applications and transcripts and proposed courses of study at Middlebury to ensure that the students meet academic standards and that there is room in the courses they plan to take. Any visiting student wishing to transfer to Middlebury must apply in the regular manner through the Admissions Office.
12. Resignation
Students who wish to leave Middlebury College and plan never to return may resign from the College. Students who resign must notify their Class Dean in writing. There is no readmission after a resignation.
13. Refunds
In cases of dismissal from the College, no refund of the comprehensive fee is made. In other cases of absence or withdrawal from the College for medical reasons or serious emergencies, fees are refunded according to the College’s refund schedule. In all cases, the enrollment deposit is forfeited.