8.2 Progressive Discipline
The College maintains a progressive discipline system to serve as a fair and consistent means to enforce College rules and regulations and to address conduct or performance deficiencies. The purpose of progressive discipline is to retain employees through identification and correction of problems.
If the College decides to take corrective action, the disciplinary actions applied may include a verbal warning, a written warning, a written reprimand, and/or termination from employment. In instances of written warnings, written reprimands, or termination from employment, supervisors should confer with Human Resources concerning the rationale for the disciplinary action. Written documentation should be forwarded to Human Resources for review before it is delivered to the employee.
At any stage in the process, the College may decide to separate the employee from his or her work environment. Administrative leave is used to provide all parties time to reflect on the situation. Administered at the College's discretion, the length of the leave will be determined by the circumstances, with no loss of pay.
Every type of action need not be taken in each case, and depending upon the relevant circumstances, the College may decide to take any disciplinary action, including immediate termination, at any time. The College reserves the right to terminate the at-will employment of any employee at any time, with or without cause or notice. In instances of termination of employment, supervisors must obtain the approval of both the next-level supervisor and Human Resources management before any termination decision is made.