A.1. Respectful Behavior
1. Middlebury expects all members of the Middlebury community, as well as visitors, to respect the dignity, freedom, and rights of other persons. Violence in word or deed against another; incitement or provocation to violence; negligent or reckless use of physical force; conduct that may reasonably be expected to exploit or coerce; prevention of another's ability to communicate or move freely; violation of another's privacy; unauthorized entry and/or uninvited or unwanted presence in another’s room or office, are examples of disrespectful behavior that is inconsistent with our shared values and expectations of behavior.
2. Middlebury further expects that all members of the Middlebury community, as well as visitors, will respect Middlebury property, resources, and assets and take care to steward our shared space and resources to support our educational mission.
3. Disruption of Middlebury’s educational functions is prohibited.
4. Middlebury’s expectations that community members, as well as visitors, will cultivate respect and responsibility for others includes the obligation not to retaliate against another person. Retaliating directly or indirectly against a person because they have made a report or participated in a Middlebury investigation of a policy violation of any type is therefore prohibited. Retaliation includes but is not limited to ostracizing the person, pressuring the person to drop or not support a complaint or to provide false or misleading information, or otherwise engaging in conduct that may reasonably be perceived to affect adversely that person's educational, living, or work environment. Depending on the circumstances, retaliation may also be unlawful, whether or not the complaint is ultimately found to have merit.