D.3. Library
Middlebury maintains its Libraries for the use of students, faculty, and staff in support of the instructional goals of Middlebury. Others are welcome to visit and use the resources available within the Library. Library use is a privilege extended to those who observe the regulations and procedures established to make materials accessible to all.
The services and collections of the Middlebury Library are intended to serve the needs of students of a strong liberal arts undergraduate institution that also offers graduate programs in foreign languages and English literature. The collections are designed principally in support of the teaching mission of Middlebury. Policies pertaining to the Library apply to all students, faculty, staff, community members, and visitors who avail themselves of the services of Middlebury libraries and educational technology resources and services. Library services are available to those with a MiddCard ID or otherwise authorized by Library policies.
Middlebury Library supports and adheres to the ALA Code of Ethics and the Society of American Archivists Core Values Statement and Code of Ethics to protect the rights of researchers.
The Library complies with applicable state and federal laws regarding the privacy of patron records and ordinarily treats the searches, queries and records of patrons as confidential information. Some services, such as “Ask a Librarian” (chat, email, text), are open to everyone; however, a librarian may ask for a telephone number or e-mail address to assist with more complex questions, or to ensure compliance with licenses limiting electronic resources to participants in Middlebury’s educational programs, for example. More information about specific services offered by the Library, and procedures related to requesting services, is available on the Library website.
Responsible Use of Library Materials
As members of the scholarly community using our common resources, all library users are responsible for maintaining our library collections.
Library use is a privilege extended to those who recognize that the collections are resources to be shared with current and future users and who observe the regulations and procedures established to make materials accessible to all.
Abuse of library materials may result in the revocation of library borrowing privileges and could result in referral for College judicial procedure. The Library is committed to maintaining collections, which exist as a common resource to be shared, preserved and respected in a manner guaranteeing protection for future users. The ethical use of library materials involves acceptance of this principle and appropriate conduct regarding library collections.